He’s most popular lwa in the gede’s pantheon in Haitian vodou and at La Belle Deesse Dereale Vodou Temple.
Colors: Black , Purple, White
Escorts: Baron Cimitier, Baron Lacroix, Baron Noi, Baron Samdi, Baron Criminel, Granne Brigitte, Jean Zonbi, Gede Nibo, Brave Gede, Gede Winsou Winsou, Tipiss Lacroix, Demeplait Lacroix, Jean Simon Brutus, Trace Fouille, Gede Wawe, Ti Charle Lacroix, Joumalonge.
Offerings: klerin with hot pepper, baton, black goat, black bull, black rooster, white label whiskey, black, white, purple scarf, salted fish with very spicy hot pepper, plantain, yams, cigars, black hat, black glasses, black vest, white powder.
St Gerard represents him in catholic saints. His birthday is November 18 but in Haiti gede’s celebration starts on October 31 thru November 30. Maza is the head owner of Labelle deesse senior in the gedes nation (escort) therefore he is one of the most celebrated spirit in our temple, gede is one of the group that gets a lot of bad rap from the media and voodooists, because they are known as the spirits of death, with the skulls, skeleton’s, coffin’s, cemeteries and all. In reality gedes escorts teach us to embrace life, live life to it’s fullest, play, laugh, have fun go wild when we have to. It’s ok to say bad words every now and then as you know gedes are really sexually explicit. In other words sexuality is part of human nature. They are all ways to teach us to embrace life & death as part of life and as part of Gods plans.
Mazaca mains specialty is healing the sick, remove bad luck,bring back loved ones, remove evil spirits and much much more, maza is fun hard worker, playful, happy loving spirit ( loa) he loves to make people laugh.
A song for Mazaka:
“croix sinbo” croix moin soti nan kafou bopo moin rankontre mazaca lacroix mandel laisse pase eh eh ya An han an han an han an han mazaca lacroix son neg ki dangere moin soti nan kafou bopo moin rankontre mazaca lacroix mandel laisse passé eh eh ya An han an han an han an han mazaca lacroix son neg ki dangere soukwel pa dangere wa man del laise passé ah ah A han an han an han mazaca lacroix son neg ki dangere.